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A B O U T  U S

Creating For A Better World



Artivists 4 Life is a non-discriminatory and non-profit making project that brings all arts together such as theater, dance and visual art. The Artivists 4 life project was officially formed in the year 2011 with the idea of reaching out to various communities, improving lives of vulnerable Ugandans and ensure that they get a better life. 


 It is a nonpublic actor and registered in Uganda (sub-Sahara Africa) as a Non-Government Organization (NGO).


Artivists 4 Life meets regularly, reaches out to communities and meets other fellow youth. 


The project identifies challenges in the communities, finds solutions and uses its Art skills like music, dance & drama to communicate and bring positive messages with a mission of creating a better World. 


A4L Vision

…a better world


A4L Mission

To positively contribute to a process of empowering and improving the quality of life of individuals, families and communities in Uganda.

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